TPD VCSE Assembly

Torbay, plymouth and devon vcse assembly

(For documents related to the latest newsletter, please scroll down)

Devon Communities Together provide the operational support for the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (TPD VCSE) Assembly. The TPD VCSE Assembly is a broad based, inclusive and shared collaborative model where people, communities and organisations can contribute and engage in the way they want to. Everyone from across Torbay, Plymouth and Devon from the VCSE sector who wants to be included will be included.

The Assembly provide the network support necessary to create a fluid pool of people and organisations, with a broad range of skills, expertise, innovative solutions and lived experience that can fully engage in, inform, and influence strategic partnership discussions, co-design of services, policy development, co-commissioning and joint leadership and decision making. The Assembly provides a place where anyone can find out what is happening across local partnerships. 

The network encompasses a wide range of different types of organisations (infrastructure, larger County-wide, small community groups, user-led organisations, Healthwatch etc) from across all the geographical areas of Devon (Torbay, Plymouth, North Devon, South Hams, East Devon, West Devon and Mid Devon). We work across all areas of need including health and social care, debt and poverty and all ages.

For more information about the Assembly, see Terms of Reference below. Devon Communities Together also host this page on behalf of the Assembly to circulate agendas, information and associated documents shared via the regular newsletter and via the monthly meetings. If you would like to be part of the VCSE Assembly, or would like more information, please email

TPD VCSE Assembly terms of reference



Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter September 2024

Building a strong and vibrant VCSE sector - National Lottery 

An update on Vaccinations and Women’s Health - One Devon NHS

stamp out spiking

Meeting agenda 17.09.24

We Matter leaflet

Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter August 2024

Research Community of Practice - Devon Community Foundation

Social Isolation and Loneliness in the South Hams - South Hams Community Action

Connecting Health Communities - Wellmoor

Agenda - meeting August 2024

SIG representation report - June

SIG representation report - July


Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter July 2024

July meeting agenda

Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter REN Newsletter 2024

REN COMMunity of Practice Terms of Reference

Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter June 2024

VCSE Assembly June Meeting Agenda 2024

Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter May 2024

National Institute for Health and Care Research

Digital Inclusion Group


TPD VCSE Assembly meeting on Tuesday 21st May - Agenda 

Urgent and Emergency Care planning meetings

Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter April 2024.

Urgent and Emergency Care Presentation

Full Assembly Meeting Agenda 16.04.24

GUidance on the preparation of an Integrated Care Strategy

People to Involve - ICS

SOuth Hams Community Action Trustee advert

Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter March 2024.

Torbay Adult Social Care presentation

Shaping the Future of Care and Support in Devon

Agenda - meeting 19.03.24

Creative health in the south west

Whole of society resilience event - devon prepared - flyer

village halls week - community asset map launch - flyer

village halls week - go green in membury - flyer

Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter February 2024.

Step One presentation

Age UK regional information sharing

NHS Vaccination programme

Agenda 21.02.24


Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter January 2024.

Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Agenda - 18.01.24 

natural england funding newsletter

Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Newsletter 04.12.23

Minutes from wider Assembly Meeting 14.11.23

Right Care, Right Person briefing 

Agenda for wider Assembly meeting 12.12.23

National association for social prescribing - online roundtable


Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Update 20.10.23

Plymouth LCP event

Fair Shares LCP Exec February 2023

HIPP slides

The Nest

Role description

Carers Rights Day

Poster to share


Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Update 18.10.23

Plymouth LCP Engagement event

Parental Minds Skills Workshop

Social Prescribing Study Knowledge Exchange Event

Request for VCSE Assembly Strategic Involvement SW Anchors Roundtable


Documents relating to the Torbay, Plymouth and Devon VCSE Assembly Update 29.09.23

Peninsula Research and Innovation Partnership

Terms of reference

Request for representation


Please contact by Thursday 5th October if you are interested in this opportunity.

Mental Health Crisis Training and Development Funding 


Expression of interest form

Please return the EOI form to: (FAO Steph Dodds) by 5pm Friday 20th October 2023.