Free Dawlish event on saving energy and reducing fuel bills

Published on 9th March 2018

Devon Communities Together is hosting a FREE event to support local people with advice on saving energy, switching tariffs and reducing their energy spend.

 The drop-in event will be held at Open DAW (Dawlish Community Information Centre) in the foyer of the Methodist Church, Brunswick Place, on Friday 9th March between 10:30 and 12:00. People are invited to come along for free, independent advice on how to keep their energy use down and their homes warm. As well as advice, those who bring along their fuel bills or details of their energy use can get practical information about alternative buying arrangements that could save them money.

 Devon Community Together’s Community Project Officer Katherine Oliverio, commented:

“Our aim is to give free, independent and impartial advice on domestic energy to help as many of Devon’s residents as possible to live more comfortably for less. The recent weather conditions have highlighted how important it is to keep our homes warm and for some people that can be a real challenge. Why ‘burn’ money that you could spend on other important things?”

Advice given at the session will be confidential. There is no need to book and people are advised to bring their recent energy bills or usage information for more detailed advice.

This event is being run by Devon Communities Together as part of the Western Power Distribution’s Affordable Warmth project, which aims to work with members of the community to reduce their fuel bills and increase their knowledge and confidence about energy in the home. For more information, visit our web page.