Devon Community Resilience Forum
1st April 2018 - 31st March 2027
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what is the devon community resilience forum?
Devon Community Resilience Forum supports communities to develop their community emergency plan; a document that guides community response in an emergency and helps communities to prepare. Community emergency plans are also uploaded to a secure website where they can be viewed by the emergency services, if there is an emergency in your community they will be able to view your plan and understand how the community may already be responding, where there is high risk, and what resources the community has.
Alongside supporting plan development we run twice yearly forum events to help increase your local resilience and network with other communities (the spring/summer event will be in-person and the winter event online).
For support on creating or updating your community emergency plan, contact
- including case studies, guidance and templates
- Access complementary resources for community resilience groups from Communities Prepared
Grant applications NOW open for 2024/25
Apply now if:
- You are preparing a community emergency plan or
- You have recently submitted a community emergency plan and need practical help to implement it eg small scale works and equipment