Mandy Goddard

Neighbourhood Planning was introduced in the Localism Act 2011 to allow communities to have a say in the kind and amount of development that is appropriate for their community.
Once adopted, a neighbourhood plan will form part of the Local Development Plan. Other elements of the legislation include: Neighbourhood Development Orders & Community Right to Build Orders.
Catalyst is a trusted consultancy service from Devon Communities Together, with extensive experience of effective community consultation, which is at the heart of Neighbourhood Planning.
We understand the needs and aspirations of communities and local planning authorities and will offer unbiased support and advice based on the Localism Act, Neighbourhood Planning Regulations and National Planning Policy Framework. Our links with the Devon Association of Local Councils (DALC) keeps us in close contact and we understand the issues and concerns of Parish and Town Councils when taking on this responsibility.
With services designed around you, we will offer the right level of support for your needs, from an advisory role to a leading role, where we will drive the whole process for you.
We will:
We can also help you put together funding bids to develop proposals under any of the other ‘Community Rights’ introduced in the Localism Act 2011, including the Right to Build, the Right to Bid and the Right to Challenge.
For an initial, no commitment, discussion about your requirements please contact: 01392 248919 or email
Watch this Understanding our Neighbourhood Planning video from Locality here
Take a look at this Step by Step Roadmap Guide to Neighbourhood Planning, from Locality here.
Download our Neighbourhood Planning leaflet here