Yelverton War Memorial Village Hall

  • Carpark

  • Disabled toilets

  • Inside toilets


The village Hall is modern with glorious views of Dartmoor & is available for numerous events including:-

Private Parties
Sports including- Badminton (equipment available), table tennis, card games inc. bridge.
Meetings such as Seminars, workshops, lectures, craft fairs, coffee mornings
Events such as Yoga, Pilates, Bingo, charity fundraising events, quizzes, jumble sales
Car Boot Sales

The village hall has the following amenities:-

Spacious Hall leading to a terrace. Separate Bar area leading off hall.
Fully equipped kitchen.
Separate meeting room.
Car Park for 30 cars with overflow onto field
Internal toilet facilities inc. full disabled access to all areas

Within the village hall grounds there are the following additional amenities:-

Bowling Club
Tennis club
Football Club

Great care has been taken to ensure suitable disabled access including toilet facilities provided.

Regular Community Organisations attending hall are: Radio Club, Pilates, Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Ladies Open Group, Scottish Country Dancers, Short Mat Bowling, Yoga and Young Farmers

Hire Charges

Main Hall - £25 per hour Meeting Room - £12 per hour Discounts may be given to local youth groups, regular hirers and charities.