Wild About Devon – Community Wildlife Grant Scheme 2024

5th June 2024 - 1st October 2024

The Wild About Devon grant scheme 2024 is now live.  

Click here to apply

  • Are you a community group, parish or town council, or collaborative local community partnership in Devon? 
  • Do you have a wildlife project idea that you want to kickstart?
  • Are you looking for funding to advance an existing wildlife 
  • Would you like to start a new group with a wildlife focus?
what's on offer?

Communities can apply for up to £500 to fund initiatives that support local wildlife and biodiversity! 

What IS the grant scheme about?

This grant scheme recognises the vital role community action can play in creating long term benefits for wildlife. This could range from gardens and parks, to churchyards, orchards, window boxes, ponds and ditches, buildings and more! 

What have we funded before?
  • Restoration of neglected habitats such as hedges, grassland or woodland.
  • Creation of new wildlife areas including ponds, wildflower meadows, hedges and woodlands, especially in places which help connect existing wildlife areas.
  • Creation of a new wildlife group.
  • Enhancement of community gardens, churchyards and other public spaces.
  • Purchase of tools, materials, training, or safety equipment.
  • Purchase of monitoring equipment for species recording and education.

Copies of the application forms and the Grant guidance forms can be found below.

Grant application form 

Grant guidance


pink flowers
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Visit the Wild About Devon webpages for useful guidance and contacts to help you take action for wildlife in your local area
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