East Devon Village Hall Cluster Meeting

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Course Category: East Devon VCSE Support, Community Buildings

Join the East Devon Village Hall cluster

A network of local halls that are there to support each other, share ideas and work together.

Our first meeting took place during Village Halls Week 2024, and following a positive response to the group with the number of halls growing for the second and third meetings, we are excited about holding this fourth meeting!

The aim of these events is to enable East Devon Village Halls to keep in touch, share news of forthcoming events, and help each other with queries and common issues. We want to encourage Halls to share their collective expertise, to network and for participants to return to their Halls with something helpful for their community.

During the meeting you will also be able to meet the East Devon Support Service team from Devon Communities Together - we're here to answer queries and start conversations.

Book your FREE place today.

If you would like to learn more about a specific topic to help support the running of your hall, please contact our Village Halls Team on info@devoncommunities.org.uk or call 01392 248919.

Devon's Village Halls

Devon has around 440 Village Halls, most of them run by community volunteers. For many years Village Halls have provided vital services in rural areas; they help address rural isolation and loneliness and promote wellbeing by offering a variety of workshops, talks, and fitness classes, and provide meeting spaces for local groups. They also organise a wide variety of social get-togethers from coffee mornings to music nights. In addition, many Halls are also the designated place of safety during emergencies for communities.

Village Hall Committee Members and Trustees are all volunteers dedicated to serving their local communities by keeping Halls up and running. They often face challenges such as fundraising for building maintenance and new equipment, finding new volunteers, digital upskilling, organising new events, and keeping up to date with an ever-changing world of legal matters.

East Devon Support Service Team - https://www.devoncommunities.org.uk/projects/east-devon-vcse-support-service