Suicide bereavement training

Published on 22nd February 2021

We're pleased to share this information from Devon sustainability and transformation partnership (STP):

Across Devon we are aiming to raise awareness about Suicide Prevention with an aim to create Suicide Safer Communities. An important part of suicide prevention is supporting people who are bereaved through suicide, as evidence shows that being bereaved by suicide increases a persons risk of ending their own life.  We also know that anywhere between 6-60 people can be affected by one suicide and out aim is to ensure that those people can be supported in their own communities.

The Devon STP Prevention Fund is supporting the roll out of some Suicide Bereavement Training. This training is delivered on line by Pete’s Dragons and covers:

  • Understanding Grief
  • 5 Steps to Suicide Awareness
  • Suicide Bereavement awareness

The training is open to anyone who works with people who may be at risk of suicide or comes in to contact with people who have been affected by suicide.

Although we have plenty or training places available, I would ask that each organisation initially limits themselves to 6 places to ensure that as many organisations as possible get the opportunity to receive the training.

I would be grateful if you  could forward this email to organisations in your locality.

Details of how to book are below:

The password for the sessions is: Dragons

The sessions are currently scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 26th January until 25th March inclusive.

Zoom link and pre-reading material will be distributed prior to the course commencement.