We're pleased to share this exciting opportunity from Exeter College, which is seeking employers to work with 2nd year students from January 2021- July 2021, on 'T-Levels' - the next level qualification.
What are they?
An Industry Placement (IP) is a long-term and meaningful on-the-job experience which specifically correlates with a student’s field of study and their career objectives.
What makes T Levels different?
T Levels have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses and will provide the skills and knowledge needed to progress to highly skilled employment, university level study or Apprenticeship.
All T Levels will include an industry placement with an employer so that students can apply their learning in a real workplace environment. Around 80% of time will be spent in the classroom with the remaining 20% being spent on placement. This differs to an Apprenticeship, which is typically 80% on-the-job and 20% in
the classroom and more suited to those who feel ready to enter the workforce at 16.
Who do these apply to?
2nd Year students studying towards Level 3 Extended Diploma in a whole range of subjects (see employer information sheet below).
• An IP is a perfect opportunity to develop human capital and as a talent stream to your business.
• A golden opportunity to measure a student’s performance prior to offering potential Apprenticeships, Traineeships or employment.
• Students will arrive with a good level of knowledge and skills, as well as being eager and committed add immediate value whilst developing significant skills throughout an IP.
• Your employees will have the opportunity to develop their own mentoring and leadership skills
• You will become an IP flagship employer of the future, bringing tangible benefit to the local, regional and wider economy.
• We require employers who are willing to offer relevant, meaningful and purposeful IPs.
• The IP must give the student relevant opportunities to develop their technical and soft skills.
• The students will require your time to help support them in their IP as well as the provision of a safe and comfortable work environment.
For further information or if you have any questions please contact James Webb (IPLO) at: jameswebb02@exe-coll.ac.uk or tel: 07392910020.
You can also download the following documents for further details: