Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

The Community Council of Devon is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in relation to employment and the services that it delivers.

The organisation believes that the diversity of its staff, volunteers, members and customers, as well as of all Devon’s rural communities, forms an essential part of The Community Council of Devon values and enriches every aspect of its work.

Accordingly, the management team of The Community Council of Devon will ensure that recruitment, selection, training, development and promotion procedures results in no job applicant, employee, volunteer, member or customer receiving less favourable treatment because of a protected characteristic (i.e. race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, disability, trade union membership or non-membership, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, age, or on the basis of being a part- time or fixed term worker) or non -protected characteristic such as socio-economic status or role within The Community Council of Devon.

Furthermore, the organisation is committed to taking positive steps to actively challenge the discrimination and barriers that members of different disadvantaged groups face. The Organisation’s objective is to ensure that all decisions made in relation to individuals or organisations are based solely on their relevant aptitudes, skills and abilities.

The Board of Trustees has ultimate responsibility for ensuring equality policies are fully implemented, with operational responsibility delegated to the Deputy CEO. Each manager is accountable for delivering the equality commitments relevant to their areas of responsibility and to successfully meet these objectives by:

  • Not discriminating in the course of employment against employees, job
    applicants, volunteers, members or customers
  • Not inducing or attempting to induce others to practise unlawful discrimination;
  • Bringing to the attention of employees that they may be subject to action under the
    Disciplinary Procedure for unlawful discrimination of any kind. 

All staff are required to ensure that they apply The Community Council of Devon equality commitments, as outlined in their job descriptions, by:

  • Not discriminating against fellow employees, volunteers, customers, clients, suppliers or
    members of the public with whom they come into contact during the course of their
  • Not inducing or attempting to induce others to practise unlawful discrimination;
  • Reporting any discriminatory action to the Deputy CEO

The successful achievement of these objectives necessitates a contribution from everyone
and employees have an obligation to report any act of discrimination known to them. If you consider that you are a victim of unlawful discrimination you may raise the issue through the Grievance Procedure.

The Community Council of Devon values the diversity of skills and abilities that different
people bring to it. The Organisation’s decision as to who to employ, train, promote or work
with will be based upon merit and not on any other grounds.

In addition, you as an individual must not act in a manner, which could be considered to be of an
unlawful discriminatory nature against fellow employees, or other people with whom you come into

If you consider that discriminatory action is being taken against any individual, you should report this immediately to your line manager. If you are an employee and you consider that you have been discriminated against, you should raise a grievance in accordance with the Grievance Procedure. If you are not an employee you should use the process outlined in The Community Council of Devon Complaints Policy & Procedure. The Organisation will provide equal opportunity for all those it works with or provides services to and considers unlawful discrimination to be a disciplinary offence, which may result in dismissal. All recruitment, promotion and training will be based upon ability and job performance and will exclude any consideration of religious beliefs, political opinion, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, age, race or
disability, trade union membership or non-membership or on the basis of being a part time or fixed term worker, socio-economic status or role within the Community Council of Devon. The Organisation will not directly or indirectly discriminate on the aforementioned grounds.

To ensure that the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement of Policy is effective, The Community Council of Devon will:

  • Allocate responsibility for the implementation of the statement to the Chief Executive
  • Make this statement known to all workers
  • Consult with workers or workers' representatives about procedures required to make this
    statement effective.
  • Maintain a neutral working environment in which no worker feels under threat or intimidated
    because of his/her religious belief, political opinion, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and
    maternity, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, age or disability, race, trade union
    membership or non-membership, e.g. prohibit the display of flags, emblems, posters, graffiti or
    the circulation of materials or the articulation of slogans or songs which are likely to give offence
    or cause apprehension among particular groups of workers.
  • Provide facilities for any worker who believes he/she has been discriminated against to raise the matter through the appropriate procedure.
  • Have recruitment and selection procedures that are consistent, provide equality of opportunity and are seen to be fair by all workers and job applicants, by ensuring:
    o Selection is based on ability to do the job in question.
    o Job descriptions and personnel specifications are used for each post in question.
    o All vacancies are advertised as widely as possible.
    o Any advertisement for a vacancy in the Organisation clearly defines the main duties and necessary requirements for the post in question.
    o Shortlisting for interviews is based upon job-related criteria. Where appropriate, job related tests may be used.
    o Written assessments are made on each individual interviewed and reasons for acceptance or rejection recorded.
  • Commit itself to keep under review the operation of this Equal Opportunity Statement of Policy to take account of changing circumstances.
  • Adopt appropriate affirmative action measures, if necessary.
  • Regard breaches of this statement as misconduct which may lead to disciplinary proceedings.