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Join us at the next Devon Community Resilience Forum for networking, discussions and presentations about building resilience in Devon communities.
The forum is for anyone interested in community resilience. This includes town and parish councils, voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, and community groups.
The main activity is a practical emergency response exercise led by Harriet Freestone from JBA Consulting.
The event is free and a light lunch is provided.
(Times may be subject to change)
9.30: Registration and networking
10.00: Welcome, introduction and housekeeping.
10.15: Role of the District Resilience Officers: Alex Miles & Simon Bridgeman, North Devon and Torridge DCs
10.30: Emergency response exercise: Harriet Freestone, JBA Consulting
1.00: Lunch and networking
2.00: Police role in flood response : Sarah Deacock, Devon & Cornwall Police
2.20: Community Hubs: Chris Manuel, Wiltshire & Swindon LRF
3.30: Forum discussion and Q&A
The day ends at 4.00
For more information or to contact one of the team, please contact