Passionate about improving maternity services?
Maternity Voices Partnership Chair
The NHS and social care organisations in Devon want to ensure the effective engagement of women and families in shaping Maternity services in Devon and are looking for an exceptional individual to take on the role of Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) chair for an overarching Devon MVP
We are looking for someone who is passionate about improving maternity services for the women and families in Devon, who is confident, able and prepared to represent women and families on the Devon Local Maternity Services Board where you will be working alongside senior members of NHS and Local Authority staff.
As Chair, you will be responsible for growing the MVP in Devon. In the role, you will be the main contact for the MVP and so will need to be comfortable using IT, social media, meeting women and families, chairing formal meetings and working with the four NHS Trusts across Devon.
To ensure the independence of the MVP in Devon, the role will be hosted by Devon Communities Together.
For a fuller description of the role please see the role description here.
Time commitment will be 16-24 hours a month. Remuneration and expenses will be as per the Patient and Public Voices Partnership expenses policy.
Process of application
If you would be interested in the role please complete the Expression of Interest Form by 19 October. In the form please explain why you are interested in the role, any relevant experience and give an indication of any particular skills you feel you can bring to the role. If shortlisted, you will be asked to attend an interview.
Please send completed forms to:
F.A.O Nora Corkery
Devon Communities Together,
First Floor 3 & 4 Cranmere Court,
Lustleigh Close, Matford Business Park,
Email: (please mark F.A.O Nora Corkery (MVP Chair EOI) in your subject header)
If you would like more information or wish to discuss the role further please contact either of the Local Maternity Services Lead Midwives:
Clara Southby Melanie Winterburn
Email: Email: