Devon Communities Together has formally taken over the running of Devon Senior Voice to ensure the organisation is able to continue in its valuable role as the voice of Devon’s older people.
The decision to merge with Devon Communities Together was taken by Devon Senior Voice members at a recent AGM and the business transfer officially took place on 31st May 2018 with all assets including 2000 members, many of whom are active volunteers, being transferred to Devon Communities Together. Members voted with the intention of ensuring that the network can continue and thrive in its efforts to improve the quality of life for older people in Devon, giving them a valued voice and helping them to achieve their full potential. The current Devon Senior Voice board will stand down but continue as active volunteers within the network.
Devon Communities Together is planning an ambitious programme to re-establish and set up branches and local groups across the county, working with Devon Senior Voice volunteers to grow the network. It also aims to offer new and interesting volunteer opportunities as well as set up new fundraising activities to support the network, and will be touring Devon’s communities with a roadshow as part of Older People’s Day in October.
Elaine Cook, Chief Executive of Devon Communities Together, said: “We’ve been working with Devon Senior Voice for a number of years now and fully understand the value of the work it does - and its potential to do even more. We will be proactively working with the network to ask older people what is important to them so we can ensure that policy makers and service providers hear older people’s views and concerns. We’ve got exciting plans to harness the skills, enthusiasm and experience of the current network and recruit new members to ensure the organisation meets its full potential. It has been a pleasure meeting with the local branch representatives, the focus groups and many of the volunteers who make up the Devon Senior Voice Network and we are looking forward to getting to know more of the network over the coming months.”
Independent charity Devon Communities Together is the rural community council for Devon, delivering a wide range of community projects and services across the county. If you would like to know more about Devon Communities Together or Devon Senior Voice, including information on joining the network and volunteering opportunities, visit, call 01392 248919 or email