Government announce £60m for community-led housing in 2018/19

Published on 29th November 2017

The government has announced a second tranche of £60m for community-led housing in 2018/19, with another £180m anticipated over the following 3 years. The announcement came from Alok Sharma, the Minister for Housing and Planning, at the first first-ever Community-led Housing Conference which took place on Monday 27 November.

A prospectus is expected soon with details of the criteria and process for bidding. A year ago, when the first £60m was announced, the government said:

“The fund will enable local community groups deliver affordable housing units .. on sites which are likely to be of little interest to mainstream housebuilders and will thereby contribute to the overall national effort to boost housing supply. ”

This year, the message about support for communities to develop sites of little commercial interest with affordable homes for local people was reiterated:

“You know your local areas better than anyone. And are better placed to make things happen. To see the potential of small sites. Difficult sites. Sites that are off limits or of no interest to developers. You are not waiting for someone else to step in and just take what you are offered. You are designing and developing houses that you and your neighbours are proud to call home. Homes that, from the word go, are an integral part of your communities. Homes that are not just affordable now, but are affordable forever.”

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