Working with East Devon National Landscape – Understanding National Landscapes and how to apply for their grant scheme

Course Category: East Devon VCSE Support

Join us for an online workshop and networking opportunity

The new team at East Devon National Landscape join us to talk about their upcoming work and how Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise groups in East Devon can get involved.

You’ll the leave the session hopefully having:

  • A better understanding of what the National Landscapes are and how you can work with them
  • Shared any thoughts on priority actions for the next few years
  • Information on how to apply for their grant scheme this year and what is eligible
  • Been introduced to the meaning of net zero aimed at VCSEs (Climate being 1 of the 4 themes for the grants scheme)

Team members joining us will be Daniel Wynn (East Devon National Landscape Manager) and Steph Aburrow (East Devon National Landscape Project Officer).

We are running these sessions to provide space for the sector to share its collective expertise, to network and for participants to return to their organisation with something helpful.

If you would like to delve further into a particular area, please visit our Eventbrite page.

A minimum of 5 attendees are required in order for this training to go ahead.Logos