Join Devon Communities Together

Did you know you can become a member of Devon Communities Together from just £2 a month?

Being a member of Devon Communities Together offers a broad range of benefits and a comprehensive support service, to help you or your organisation make the most of being part of our network. If you run a village hall, are part of a social enterprise or community group, run sport or play facilities or are an ambitious individual who wants to get the most out of our resources, we would love to welcome you as a member!

Your membership benefits include:
  • Dedicated support from our in-house experts, including (but not limited to) model policies, guidance, support with funding applications and more
  • Members’ newsletter and regular updates including exclusive funding opportunities and workshops available
  • Free or discounted access to networking events and conferences – organised by Devon Communities Together
  • Free page on Devon Communities Together website for village halls and community buildings
  • Discounted training from Devon Community Learning on topics such as Community Development, Benefits and Financial Support, First Aid Training and more
  • Access to providers advice on funding, booking software, energy supply and oil purchasing
  • Support with the Hallmark quality assurance scheme, which awards your hall charity for good charity administration and complying with legislation and licensing laws together with benefit to the community. It is recognised nationally by ACRE and some insurers will offer a discount if a Hallmark Award is held. Contact to find out how to take part.
  • Voting rights at our Annual General Meeting

“Devon Communities Together is the heart of Devon communities - it has offered amazing support to our village of Swimbridge over the years and helped us from setting up a charity, giving talks on how to support our community including green energy, reading through and supporting grant applications and so much more. I truly could not recommend them enough - they are our backbone - the place I go when I know the person on the end of the phone will give me the advice I need or point me in the right direction.” Julie Whitton, trustee of Swimbridge Parklands and Swimbridge Jubilee Hall

“Perhaps the most significant impact of DCT’s work has been the opportunity to become involved with the Hallmark Scheme. Promoted by ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England), Hallmark is an invaluable tool for village halls, advising on the rules and providing committees with guidance towards good management practice. DCT provided the training to become Hallmark advisers. The many visits made to village halls has been most interesting and rewarding.” Robin Gant, Former Chairman, Broadwoodkelly Village Hall

"We would be completely lost without [DCT]. I can always pick up the phone and get support!” Booking Secretary, Northlew Village Hall

how much does membership cost?
  • Small organisation/Individual (with an annual income of £5,000 or less*): £24 per year – equivalent of £2 a month
  • Organisation (annual income over £5,000*): £50 per year – equivalent of £4.15 a month

    *As of last annual accounts, exclusive of grant income.

How to apply:

If you would like to pay for your annual membership subscription in full, complete the form below and confirm your payment with a credit or debit card.

If you would like to pay via direct debit or cheque, complete and return your application form, available here.


Membership Details
Contact Details
Keeping in Touch

At Devon Communities Together (DCT), we take your privacy very seriously, and will only use your personal information in accordance with the permission you give us.

To ensure compliance with data protection regulations, we need your express per¬mission for us to continue to communicate with you on all the things we think will be of interest. After May 24th 2018 you may stop receiving information from us if you have not given us your consent.

To enable us to ensure we send you the right information in the way that you want it please complete the following preferences:

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