Constructing Futures
What is Constructing Futures?
Constructing Futures is currently not trading, pending a decision on the future use of the remaining funds (as of 2024).
Constructing Futures Devon Ltd is a trading arm of Devon Communities Together. It was established to facilitate real life construction experience for local young people and provide new homes in Devon.
Designed to be a sustainable social purpose business, Constructing Futures purchases properties in need of major renovation, as well as new build sites, and constructs quality homes to be sold on the open market. Profit is reinvested into Constructing Futures as well as Devon Communities Together to fund its work in communities throughout Devon.
So far, Constructing Futures Devon has completed the renovation of four properties in Devon, plus some void works. We proud to be bringing high quality family homes back on to the local market.
Beginning in the Torbay and Teignbridge areas, Constructing Futures initially partnered with South Devon College, where students are given the opportunity to work on the construction and renovation of the properties under the project management of college staff, as an off campus “real site” work experience opportunity. Each property requires a variety of trades to undertake a range of specialist activities, which will maximise learning opportunities and enhance the college’s full time learners’ programme of learning.
The sites also support the skills gap at higher levels through increasing the opportunities for Level 3 apprenticeship frameworks. Currently there is a lack of local employers able to support the requirements for Level 3 students and Constructing Futures works with employers to provide additional learning opportunities for their apprentices, supporting their progression to Level 3.
Although the initial phase of activity is focused on South Devon, Constructing Futures’ geographical reach has expanded to cover many other areas of Devon.
Would you like to find out more about how to get involved? We're keen to hear from suppliers, construction companies, training organisations, educational centres, organisations working with young people about how we might be able to link up. Contact or call 01392 248919.