Young people benefit from employment mentoring programme

Published on 1st September 2022

Experience Works, the programme for young people aged 15 - 24 who are not in employment, education or training, has dramatically increased the number of young people it has reached.

The third biannual report reveals that 67 young people signed up for the programme during the period. A further 44 began their enrolment onto the project. Between them they took part in 589 support sessions over almost 300 hours, to develop their work and social skills.

The increase in numbers demonstrates a gradual return of confidence after the pandemic. Lesley Taylor, Petroc Project Manager said:

we are beginning to see young people becoming more able to engage face to face after months of only online contact. They are starting to be able to see that there is a future beyond lockdown. Experience Works is a vital element for them to become ready for the workplace, improving their soft and hard skills and learning how to apply for jobs.

One of the mentors on the project said:

I encourage the young people to work in pairs and in small groups so that they can build their communication and teamworking skills. Both of which allow the young person to develop the skills needed for employment.

Rod Birtles from Devon Communities Together said:

Devon Communities Together has provided training and support to businesses wanting to develop their inclusive employment practices. There has been a very positive response from employers willing to hire young people who have faced barriers to work.

Experience Works is managed by Petroc and is part funded by the European Social Fund. The project continues until May 2023.

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Notes to editors:
Part-funded by the European Social Fund, Experience Works is a programme of
employability support and personalised mentoring that helps 15-24 year olds to get
into work, training or education, or support them to stick with school or college if
they are having difficulties. Experience Works helps them to identify and develop the
skills and experience they need to show an employer they are work ready and provide
tailor-made support to build their confidence, whatever ups and downs they are
Experience Works is delivered in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay by a partnership of
organisations: Petroc (Managing Organisation); Battling On; Devon Communities Together; Groundwork South; and The Prince’s Trust. For more information
Experience Works is receiving up to £1,666,672 funding from the European Social
Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth
Programme in England. The Department for Work and Pensions is the Managing
Authority for the England European Social Fund programme. Established by the
European Union, the European Social Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic
development by investing in projects which will support skills development,
employment and job creation, social inclusion and local community regenerations.
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